Media & Press

Media & Press

Collaboration with Microgate

Through collaboration with Microgate, a project was developed regarding smart textiles

Women in STEM

The Women in Electron Devices is a vibrant community of EDS women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity. This project aims for equity and inclusion of women in STEM.

RYLA Junior Camp 2023

On Saturday, May 6, Dr. Martina Costa Angeli participated as a speaker in the fourth edition of the RYLA junior camp international organized by Rotary Bressanone in the magnificent venue of the Abbey of Novacella. Her talk covered a sensitive and very timely topic, the disposal of electronic waste nowadays and how we can reduce waste by using innovative materials and technologies.

Una luce contro il cancro

Dr. Manuela Ciocca talks about bioelectronics to inhibit tumor proliferation, a revolutionary platform showing promising results.

Nanoplastic sensors on RAI Südtirol

Prof. Luisa Petti talks about our work to develop sensors for nanoplastics and their importance for our society