An experimental fruit meter to measure quality

Among the various innovations presented at NovelFarm (see FreshPlaza of 20/02/2020) there is also the Fruitmeter proposed by the University of Bolzano and IIT, l’Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. “The principle is based on the measurement of bioimpedance – explain Pietro Ibba and Maria Rivola – and, later on through processing, the state of ripeness, the texture of the pulp, and the water content can be assessed”.

Pietro Ibba and Maria Rivola

It is a portable and low-cost tool, that can be used by all players in the supply chain. You can check the quality of the fruit on the plant, monitor the various phases during logistics, assess the status during the storage phase.

Detail of the sensors applied to a fruit

“We are in an advanced prototype phase – explain the two researchers – and we believe that several companies could invest in this technology. The system has a frequency range between 10 Hz and 100 kHz, internal and external calibration, as well as long battery life. The electrical impulses are read by the instrument and then, through forecasting models, converted into real and concrete data that can be used by the operators “.

Pietro Ibba in front of the descriptive poster 

Pietro Ibba